Is the EAP confidential?
The Employee Assistance Program is completely confidential except as required by law:
- If the participant is deemed to be a danger to themselves or someone else.
- If there is reported child or elder abuse.
- If the participant signs a release form for an Interface Behavioral Health representative to speak to a specified person regarding their case.
- By subpoena or court order.
Under no other circumstances will Interface Behavioral Health release information about your case, or even verify contact with our service, to any other party. This includes spouses, other family members, or anyone from your employer.
What to expect on your visit?
You can expect from your therapist:
- Confidentiality
- Honesty
- A therapist who will listen to you patiently and without judgment
- An advocate who will become an expert in YOU, positive options and expert advice, homework – that’s right you will be a student and expect a collaborative and respectful relationship with your therapist!
For a successful counseling session:
- Commit to counseling
- Follow through with scheduled appointments and don’t give yourself the option of quitting once you start.
- Be patient with yourself. Only you will know if the therapist you have been assigned is the right one. If you feel your therapist is not a good fit, just ask for a new one.
What if the free sessions available to me under the EAP are not enough to resolve my issues?
The purpose of the free sessions is to address situations before they become major problems. Occasionally, treatment recommendations will be made for longer-term care or a level of care that is beyond the scope of the EAP benefit. These levels of care may require you to use your health plan or a community resource.
What if the therapist I want to see is not in Interface's network?
Interface Behavioral Health has an open network of providers. If your therapist is interested in working with Interface, they may submit an application. Our Provider Relations department will review all applications and contract with the providers that meet our criteria. This process may take several weeks, as it is dependent upon applications being completed and contracts being signed.
What if I need to see a Psychiatrist (M.D.) or need psychological testing?
Psychiatrists (M.D.’s), inpatient care, other care delivered in a hospital setting, or psychological testing are not covered under the free sessions of the EAP. These services will involve the use of your health plan benefits or community resources, if you do not have health care coverage for those items. Any treatment costs not covered by those benefits will be your responsibility.
What other services are available under my EAP benefits?
Legal and financial assistance are also available through your benefits with Interface Behavioral Health.
What if I do not like the therapist Interface refers me to see?
If after the first or second session with your therapist you feel that he or she is not the right person to assist you, for any reason, all you need to do is to call Interface Behavioral Health and let us know that you are not comfortable with that therapist. Our care managers will provide you with another referral to a different therapist, and you will have access to all the allotted sessions available for the new referral. It is very important when dealing with personal issues that you “connect” with your therapist in a positive way.
How long from the time I call Interface will it be before I can see a therapist?
In most cases, you will have an appointment within three business days from the day you call our care managers. However, if the therapist we refer you to cannot see you in that time frame, the choice is yours on whether to call Interface Behavioral Health for another referral or wait to see that therapist. Also, if you need a therapist in a remote location, it could take longer than three business days for the therapist to see you, due to the limited number of available therapists in the area.
What if I need assistance after the Interface Behavioral Health offices are closed?
Crisis counseling is available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. During non-business hours your call will be answered by a recorded message. PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS MESSAGE IN ITS ENTIRETY. If you need to speak with a crisis counselor, this recorded message will prompt you to press a number, which will transfer you to a professional counselor ready to assist you with your issues via telephone. Our care managers will be made aware of your call to that service on the next business day. Although we will be trying to reach you, it is important that you contact our care management staff the next business day in order to get a referral to a local therapist. This will begin the process of the free sessions available to you under your EAP benefit. If you do not need to speak to a counselor but wish to leave a message, you will have the option to do so. Your message will be responded to on the next business day.