Counseling Services

The professionals who assist you are not part of yours or our organization. They are private, licensed, 3rd party counselors. You can easily access a comprehensive local network of specialized private practice providers with expertise in the following:

  • Stress Management
  • Grief/Loss
  • Depression/Anxiety
  • Work/Life Balance
  • Marriage & Family
  • Substance Abuse
  • Career Development
  • Relationships & Communications
  • Anger Management
  • Child & Adolescent

The professionals who will assist you are not part of your organization. They are licensed counselors who understand the “everyday problems” that individuals and families face. They can provide support and guidance to individuals when they are faced with life’s unexpected challenges.


10 Tips to manage your stress:

  1. Allow yourself to take a 10-15 minute break a few times a day. Take a few deep breathes and practice muscle relaxation
  2. Maintain balanced-diet and regularize your resting hours.
  3. Keep close contact with family and friends
  4. Spend time on leisure activities on a weekly basis and develop various habits.
  5. Develop and maintain a positive self-image.
  6. Everything has pros and cons and it can be seen from a good or bad side. Seeing things from a strength perspective allow us to have a better mood and feel more at ease.
  7. Be creative and humorous.
  8. Encourage yourself and people around you.
  9. Try to talk more, listen more and share your silly jokes with others.
  10. Talk to counselors and seek immediate assistance.
We’re here to assist you. Fill out our form to get started.Request Services